Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Weight Maintenance v. Weight Loss Maintenance 2

I started with myself because I feel that I am a very non-extreme example of a person stuck in weight maintenance. I have found that more people maintain weight in a more extreme fashion, and I will start to provide some examples. I am non-extreme because I basically like eating a low-fat vegetarian diet, I like to jog, I like to lift weights, I like to be outdoors, and I like an active lifestyle. I am motivated to constantly do all these things, so I can't lose weight when life interferes with my routine. I'm the type of person who will eventually drag myself to the YMCA to use a treadmill and weight machines in the middle of winter. Most people don't always naturally enjoy the things that keep weight off, so they resort to more extreme measures to maintain their weight.

The first more extreme person I will discuss is my roommate, Kimberly. Kimberly is like me in that she likes to do a lot of things which keep weight off; however, she does them in a very extreme manner. Kimberly eats a lot. Her diet consists mostly of saturated fat, cholesterol, refined carbohydrates, and sugar. She has gotten a little better at adding some vegetables and fruits once in a while. Kimberly also hates winter. So every winter, she mopes around and eats her horrid diet. Soon she's gained 30 or 40 pounds. The doctors become somewhat concerned. They at least mention it to her, although they've seen her for many years and know her.

As soon as spring comes, Kimberly is outdoors constantly, for hours and days. She plants gardens, she landscapes, she cuts trees down, she mows, she builds things and remodels other things. She goes from dawn to dusk like this for months. Then the doctors really become concerned because she'll lose 20-30 pounds in a month! Soon she's lost 40 pounds. Kimberly is an example of a person with a more traditional American lifestyle who has her own way of maintaining weight.

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