Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23

Yesterday was a busy day. I went to the Youghiogheny River Trail and jogged 5 miles. I parked across the river from Sutersville. I jogged one direction to Industry and then jogged back to Sutersville and the other direction up to Smithdale. Then I jogged back and jogged across the Sutersville bridge and back. The dairy queen type store seems to be doing a good business next to the trail. They were able to purchase all new picnic tables. It's a great place to sit and hang out and have some refreshments after or during use of the trail. There was no porta potty at Sutersville and I soon found out why. They have put a brand new high-tech outhouse on the trail at Blythedale. They have also refurbished the ballfield and playground. I met the guy who maintains the trail along that stretch. He says the outhouse was put in just two days ago and that they decided to put it there to benefit both the trail users and those who use the ballfield and playground. I jogged by a high waterfall where the water gushes over a bright orange cliff. At the bottom the water cascades into a bright orange pool. Across from it, they've put a bench. On weekends you often see foreigners on bike trips sitting there staring at it in awe.

After jogging, I stopped at Round Hill Cemetery. My parents grave looked really nice for Memorial Day. The veterans have put a brand new flag on my dad's grave.

Last night I went to my TOPS group. They had a demonstration on Shiseido facial massage and gave us instructions on how to do them. She showed pressure points for migraines. I watched that avidly since I get migraines. Pittsburgh TOPS is having an obesity march on June 17 at the Waterfront in Homestead. It will be 7 miles. It is in solidarity with a march in Washington, DC.

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