Saturday, August 9, 2008

Rostosky Ridge Road

I haven't had much to report other than exercising and dieting all the time and trying to lose weight. I have now lost for a number of weeks in a row at TOPS. Well, now I am again conquering this super steep road in my neighborhood called Rostosky Ridge Road. Yesterday, I was almost in shape to jog up it again. I've been in shape to jog it several times. I only had to take one walking break on it yesterday. It has a bunch of steep grades, two of which are so steep I can't even describe them to you. I have never seen another person even try to walk this road. I'm the only person who jogs it. You do see people on horseback, ATVs, and dirt bikes on it. Vehicles can use it, but only a few people are brave enough to live on this road, because it is not easy to get up and down it in the winter. This road is so steep the mail truck will not deliver there. People have to ride their ATV down the hill about half a mile to pick up their mail. In any case, I LOVE to jog the hill. It is a great workout and I feel I have really conquered and achieved by being able to jog it without having to stop or take a walking break. A few years ago there was a big fly ash slide at the bottom of the hill. It was a very trying time because there is a whole neighborhood at the bottom. It is cleaned up now. I've become friends with the people at the bottom of the hill, as well as their dogs and cats. This neighborhood is right across from the Monongahela River, so I can also jog through a park by the river, park there, stretch there, etc.

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