Thursday, August 21, 2008


Well, I have started my project of making quinoa a staple in my diet. Yesterday I had corn quinoa pasta for lunch and I had a bowl of cooked quinoa prior to doing my run on Rostosky Ridge Road. It seemed to be a good thing to eat prior to the jog, but I'm going to have to experiment for awhile. I didn't overeat before I went and was still slightly hungry. However, it does seem to promote a fairly level and sustained rise and fall in blood sugar, which is what I need for an intense workout like this. After I had done all the killer hills, I was fine, and on my way back down to the park, I didn't feel hungry at all. I still had plenty of energy to jog back to the park and down to the end of the park at the Monongahela River where I stretch. I have been reading that the Incas, who ran long distances at high altitudes, used this food for endurance.

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