Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Church Youth Group's Mission Trip to Nicaragua

I attended a prayer service last night for Sixth Presbyterian Church's youth group's mission trip to Nicaragua. I got to meet the youth coordinator who will be in charge of the trip. The group will travel for a week and will also spend a week working at a coffee coop. The people in the coop make all decisions collectively by vote. The youth group will pick coffee and also help them build an addition to one of their buildings. The group raised money for the mission through a series of fundraisers and also by selling Nicaraguan coffee to the congregation. They also raised some money which will be donated to the coop. The coop will vote on how to use the funds. The funds will probably be used to buy some type of motor vehicle and to hire a teacher for a school year. The people of Nicaraguan in general, and the members of the coop, are suffering greatly because of a recent transportation strike which severely impacted the food supply. The youth on the mission trip are being asked to bring flour and sugar with them, since the coop is out of these supplies. They are also strained by the tremendous increase in prices of food and fuel of late. I admire these young people for their dedication to this mission and their desire to help these people. I'm very anxious to hear how the trip turned out.

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