Tuesday, September 9, 2008

September Update

I've had a busy couple of weeks. Over Labor Day weekend, I spent time up at Rector, PA. On Labor Day, I went to Keystone State Park to swim and jog. The lake was a little too cold for me by that time. I really enjoyed my jog, my brief swim, and laying out on the beach. However, I knew that was it for me for swimming in Keystone Lake!

Kimberly took time off from the University of Phoenix after Labor Day. It turned out there was a heat wave where the temperature would hover near 90 all week. We had both been wanting to go camping at Shawnee State Park. Shawnee is to the south and it was hot, so I was willing to give Shawnee Lake a try. We arrived Tuesday night, and the campground was fairly empty. Kimberly was able to find a wonderful pet lot. We had perfect weather all week, and there was enough shade to prevent the heat from being oppressive. We had campfires every night, and I was able to stick to my diet. I didn't get much sleep, however. I swam every day, and the water was still warm in Shawnee Lake. I had the lake pretty much to myself. The first day I swam has to be one of the best swims I've ever had. I also watched Angel while Kimberly swam. The next day we decided the campground was empty enough that we could leave Angel for a short time and both swim. The third day, I just swam myself. I got lots of wonderful walks and jogs in. I jogged the Lost Antler Trail and jogged clear around the lake. Shawnee is by far the best campground, and there are just enough trails for me to make regular trips there. Although it is 100 miles away, it is very easy to get to because all the roads are fast and there is little traffic. I visited the Old Log Church in Schellsburg which was built in 1806. I had not been there since I was a kid. Also, Kimberly and I visited the Buffalo Corral. I got myself a great drum for $8. It is a toy Indian drum made in China, but it really is an adequate drum for playing, so now I have a drum and I am drumming. We also chased the herd of Buffalo down along Route 30 and got to watch them.

The next morning after returning from Shawnee, I did a 5K in Charleroi. It was a very large 5K called The Little Great Race, and I really enjoyed myself and came away with all kinds of free gear. I got lots of exercise competing and beat a bunch of people who were much younger than me. I attended the health fair at Move It and Lose It after that. This is where I go for my TOPS meetings.

After recovering from all this (I'm not totally recovered because I ended up with a cold over doing too much!) I started classes at CCAC. I took my first test in Applied Anatomy and attended my first class in first aid and sports injuries. I saw some of my old friends and coworkers, but the teacher let us out early for the first class. When I came home, Kimberly had sawed up a pile of firewood and started a fire, so I played my drum by the fire before going to bed.

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