Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 18

Sunday I went to church. My best friend there was back. She has had two strokes and two heart attacks. I was very glad to see her and gave her a ride home. Now that she is back, everyone in the first membership class since our new minister started is still attending the church. Two of the men who became members at the same time as me are now serving as elders. We had a guest minister. He is an African American minister who does community work on the North Side. He was very good. After I took my friend home, I went to the Redd Up campaign to do my recycling. Monday I had a psych exam. I got a 78 out of 80. Tuesday night I attended a walk to bring attention to the obesity epidemic. It was at the Waterfront. Probably the majority of people who attended were from late 50's to early 60's and up. Some of them were still overweight but everyone showed remarkable endurance. I had a wonderful time and got a good workout since I jogged about half of the way. I was very impressed with how far everyone was able to walk. This shows that if you commit to losing weight, eating healthy, and exercising, you can do great things. One of the elderly women said she had no idea she would be able to walk so far and still feel fine and energetic after doing so.

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